Awards and many more thanks

Before the end of the year has finished I wanted to thank a few wonderful bloggers who gave me awards recently.  I can’t believe how many awards my blog has received from other bloggers, especially since I only started it at the end of September this year.

Writing about my experiences and getting feedback from others has really helped me stay on the healthy path. I have had a few slips, but for the most part have been able to be consistently eating a plant based diet. I have also got to discover more ingredients and cooking techniques and have been inspired by others to try them. Thanks to everyone else who follows this blog for your input!

The awards I recently received include:

Sandra from Quirky Books for Shine On Award.

Kz from The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic for Super Sweet Blogging Award.

Art and Kitchen for Blog of the Year 2012 Award.

Coop Poop for Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Teresa of Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen for Blog of the Year 2012 Award.


Shine On Award 

The Rules:shineon

1.) Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post.

2.) Add the award logo to your blog.

3.) Share 7 things about yourself.

  1. I am completely visual. I don’t really remember what people say.
  2. I can’t whistle, but I can pop.
  3. I have been learning Italian for 3 years. Still not completely fluent though. One day…
  4. I live at home and I’m not ashamed. Its great!
  5. Sometimes I forget my age because I don’t want to believe I’m not 20 anymore.
  6. I don’t like white silver. It makes it really hard trying to pick out engagement rings.
  7. I am going to Melbourne on friday and I can’t wait! After 6 months of being overseas you would think I would be sick of traveling but I not.

4.) Nominate 5 – 10 or so bloggers you admire.

Art and Kitchen

a beautiful day


The Healthy Epicurean

The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

Relaxing cooking

a better year to a better life

Offbeat Lounge

Coop Poop

Nourishing Chow


Super Sweet Blogging Award

The Rules:super-sweet-blogging-award21w6451

1. Give credit to the person who chose to nominate you.

2. Answer the “Super Sweet” questions.

3. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen (13) blogs.

Super Sweet questions:

1. Cookies or Cake? Cake

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

3. What is your favorite sweet treat? Any vegan chocolate macadamia brownies and vegan cheesecake.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? at 9pm every night.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? Sugar Plum is what my boyfriend calls me. Coco Malu is my stripper name (pet + street) lol.

Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen:

Petit 4 Chocolatier

Kicking back the pebbles

Table of Colors

Liv Loves Life

Cooking up a Storm

Made of Stars

Miss Marzipan

Blissful Britt

Spontaneous Tomato

Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen

Blog of the Year 2012 Award

The Rules:Blog of the Year Award 5 star jpeg

1. Select another blog or other blogs who deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award;

2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;

3. Include a link back to this page Blog of the Year 2012’ Award at the Thought Palette and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them

5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…


I am nominating everyone in my community. I won’t send you a message about it because there is heaps of you, but you all deserve a star!


Inspiring Blogger Award

The Rules:very-inspiring-blogger-award

1. Thank the blogger who nominated me.

2. Place the award on my site.

3. Share 7 random things about myself. – As Above^

4. Nominate 15 blogs. I will leave out this one as I have nominated for others. 




22 thoughts on “Awards and many more thanks

  1. thank you, again^^ and i’m glad to see you keep receiving wonderful awards.. no shame in living at home,i still do ^^ lol my mom won’t ever let me leave.. til i get married of course ^^ i don’t feel like my age either ^^

  2. Congratulations on your awards!! Well deserved. Your sincerity, warmth, passions, inspiration, and kindness are seen through your blog. Thank you for the nomination. I am honored to be among these phenomenal people and their blogs.

  3. You certainly deserve the 2nd star in your Blog of the Year Award. And, thank you so much for the nomination for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. I love your creative recipes.

  4. Pingback: Super Sweet Blogging Award | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen

  5. Thank you for the nomination dear! Congratulations on all your nominations too! you definitely deserve them! I have a question (technical one) – how you do managed to put up the award badges on your side bar? Is there a special widget to do so? thanks!

    • No problem! I have been following your blog for a while and really enjoy reading your post. For the badges, you just go to widgets and use ‘image’. you will need the url for the image rather then adding it. So right click to ‘copy url’ then add that address. you can add as many images as you want. hope this helps 🙂

  6. Pingback: Awards (my Oscar moment) | The Healthy Epicurean

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