

1780989_10152278314272292_1461381647_oI’m a twenty-something year old student, who loves to cook and eat new things. After finding out that I could no longer eat anything produced from cows milk, I began researching new recipes. That is when I discovered vegan recipes, which meant I could again enjoy creamy pasta’s and delicious desserts. The more I read the more I learned that my ‘healthy diet’ was not as healthy as I thought. Then I began experimenting with other vegan recipes. I realised that eating vegan made me feel really good. However, its been hard for me to kick the meat.

Blissful life is a my transition to a vegan lifestyle. I’m not sure how long its going to take to completely cut out the animal products from my diet and lifestyle, but I want to make an effort to change my habits. I want to share with you my experiences, recipes and food finds, as I change my life.


197 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve recently switched my food blog over to be self-hosted which I hope will make it more user-friendly in the future. As a result, if you were following Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen via email, WordPress, or using RSS feeds through Google Reader or some other way, you are no longer subscribed. If you wish to continue receiving future posts from my blog you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, Teresa.

  2. Didn’t realize you are vegan when I wrote the comment on your pasta post! I am vegetarian but also have some of my kids who are vegan as they cannot have any dairy products in their diet (my 6 kids are aged 30-45) and am always looking for new ideas to serve them. One of my favorite discoveries is my melty cheese (made from cashews and nutritional yeast) which I now use as a base for my creamy pasta sauces. So am looking forward even more now to checking out your recipes! 🙂 thanks again! 🙂
    much love light and JOY

    • I didn’t realize you were vegetarian either lol I’d love to see your recipe for melty cheese sauce with cashews, that sounds delicious! I was dairy free first because of my intolerance and after a few years tried to make the jump to vegan from there. My nutritionist doesn’t agree, but after watching Forks over Knives I decided I rather not consume meat. I am still not completely vegan yet. I avoid animal products, but still occasionally eat seafood.

      • can I send you the recipe by email? I also eat a small amount of chicken once in a while as I find after trying to avoid all animal products for over 15 years, I needed this once in awhile, and no longer fight it. I listen to my body and its needs as much as I can. Will happily share the recipe with you which comes from my brother in the States, who has been a complete vegan for over 35 years and he seems to be thriving on it. We are all different as are our bodily needs and we must be mindful of and respect ourselves and our needs at all times. with love light and JOY

      • That would be great Jane! My email is vggreco@hotmail.com. I love creamy dairy free sauces, they make me not feel so bad about missing cream.
        I believe if your body is really calling for something and its there then you should just take a bite. I often taste Marco’s food, just to remind myself what I’m not missing. I find it really hard to resist seafood and salmon especially. Its easy to miss things in a controlled setting, but it does get harder when there is less choices. I’m not hardcore strict, because it is a process still for me. I came to this diet for health reasons and that keeps me going, even if I do slip sometimes.

    • Hi Tiny! I am so happy you visited on my blog as I might of missed you otherwise. You have gorgeous real food recipes so I had to follow! Yes I have received heaps of awards from other lovely bloggers, with beautiful unique blogs with delicious recipes and food photos. They are all very encouraging and I am happy to of made so many nice friends. Hope to see you again and will check in on your blog too 🙂

  3. Hi nice write up about yourself. I wish you, of course being an ethical vegan myself that your craving to eat animal parts ceases for the sake of the animals. Maybe if you look at it, like I did that these animals are sentient beings who are killed to satisfy your taste buds is not a justification to make them suffer and kill them. That worked for me. Also visiting a slaughterhouse or watching a film like “Earthlings” may convince you finally that it is wrong to consume animals. Just a few tips and I hope you become vegan soon. If you have an questions please send me a message too. Thanks !!

  4. Hi in case you don’t know (I am sure you do) check the Banana lounge in the west end 😉 might one day bump into there. I love These places. Also vegerama in the Brisbane CBD 🙂 enjoy your week !!

    • Hi Thomas, thanks for leaving a comment. I didn’t realise you were also from Brisbane. I appreciate what you are saying and through this transition I have really begun to consider animals and their suffering. After watching different documentaries and reading a lot about different issues concerning animal farming, it has really impacted the way I think about eating meat. Even though it wasn’t my initial reason to go vegan, now when I think of eating meat I see those images in my head and I don’t feel tempted.
      I have been to Banana Lounge a couple of times and loved it! I am looking forward to visiting now they are open for dinner soon. I have also heard rave reviews about Vegerama, but haven’t had a chance to go yet. I have documented a few places around Brisbane and elsewhere that are vegan or have vegan options on my blog, but I am always on the look out for new places. It really helps to keep positive that I can do this when I find that there are options out there.
      Have a great week too and Ill keep an eye out for you!

      • Hi liveblissful, You’re welcome. I think you are doing the right things and to be honest it can only be up to you in regards to veganism. I too have read books and also visited a slaughterhouse when I was living in Europe in Belgium. This cemented my decision to go vegan. The noise, smell and fear in those eyes of the pigs, horses, calves and cows that I saw has haunted me ever since. I was helpless then I wanted to do something and I could not. The only thing was to go vegan and also speak to as many non vegans as possible to tell them why it was wrong killing these non humans. The dairy farm was not very pretty too actually it was equally as bad because it was a time when the calves were taken for their Mothers. Have you been to the Animal rescue place in Dayboro ? I have been to a couple of open days. There they rescue animals from the slaughter and nurse them back to health, so do not make it as they are so ill. It’s a great educational place visit… Anyway time for run now so enjoy your week… I was not going to mention it but I think I have to in case you have not heard of these two places…. The Loving Hut Mt Gravatt and The Green Edge.. two great vegan places…. also if you get a Vegan Card you can get discounts off food etc…. Ciao Thomas

      • Hi Thomas, I have never been to a slaughter house, I have only seen them on documentaries. I never questioned any of this before, until I read The Kind Diet and then watched Food Inc a while ago. Those images stayed with me for a long time, but I feel like I need refreshes every now and again as the sight of meat does not naturally make me see this. My partner and my family still eat meat, but i just don’t buy or cook it anymore. After seeing all that horrible stuff, how do you feel when others eat meat in front of you? No I haven’t been to the animal rescue at Dayboro. I didn’t realise it existed till I saw it on your blog. I will have to go check it out after this semester of uni. I love the Green Edge! I go at least once a month to get vegan supplies and have burgers and brownies. I am really looking forward to them opening for dinner. I have been to Loving Hut a couple of times, my partner isn’t a fan so I haven’t been back in a while, but I am going to push him to take me back again. I quite liked the food, but haven’t had a chance to review them since I started the blog. He prefers the Tea Master and Kuan Yin Tea House. I haven’t got a Vegan Card yet, I completely forgot about that. It will more incentive for us to visit these places 🙂

  5. Hi liveblissful,
    Thanks for replying. My partner eats meat but never at home when she meets up with friends. She says the smell of cooking meat makes her sick and after seeing imagines of animals being slaughtered it saddens her.. We have debated why she eats meat still which is still on going.. We both cook vegan at home and I am hoping that she finds the connection between the meat she eats occasionally in restaurants to the ones she knows are beautiful sentient non animals like our two beautiful cats.
    Personally when I smell and see meat I feel very sad and it makes me feel sick. If you get a chance please go to Dayboro and visited the rescued animals… They have some vegan food there too 🙂
    I going to The Loving Hut tomorrow actually so I can’t wait. My partner and a couple of friends love the food there… I am the only vegan !!
    Nice to meet you and I hope you have a nice weekend 🙂
    PS I will put photos on my blog of the food tomorrow from The Loving Hut just to remind you to persuade your partner to take you there…..

  6. I love that you’re going vegan! I went vegan just over a year ago and I love it. It was a challenge for me at first, but it got easier over time (my struggles were with ice cream and cheese!!). Your blog is wonderful, I’m so glad I found you. I look forward to reading your posts and following your journey. Celeste 🙂

    • Thanks for leaving a comment Celeste! I’m so happy to get some positive feedback. Were you vegetarian before going vegan or did you try go from carnivore to vegan? I had time to get use to icecream and cheese, but still haven’t trouble saying no to tuna, salmon, japanese mayo or any mayo in general lol I’ve cut back alot but still hard to say no all the time.

  7. I went right to being vegan. I started the diet because my husband was having some health problems so we took a healthy cooking class at Whole Foods Market. I thought the class would teach us how to prepare lean meats and fish, but instead it promoted a plant-based diet. We were convinced by the class and some books that we read that it was a healthy way to go, but we only did it on weekdays at first. It seemed too hard to do it every day. Eventually, however; we started doing it all the time. We look and feel so much better eating this way!

    Not only this, but I think the way we eat now tastes better. I wasn’t a very good cook when we were eating meat and I relied on a lot of frozen food. Since going plant-based, I’ve had to learn how to cook. The things I make for meals now are so much tastier than what I used to make. Of course, it took time for me to learn how to cook this way.

    And yes, it’s hard to say “No” all the time. No one’s perfect, I’m certainly not. You’ve cut back, which is wonderful. Keep it up! It sounds like you’re doing great to me. Celeste 🙂

  8. You have a beautiful blog. I couldn’t stop browsing and now I’m pretty full.

    It’s unfortunate that there aren’t that many Vegan-friendly restaurants established here in the Philippines yet.


    • Thanks for visiting Jean, happy to have you. I hope you get some more veggie restaurants. I saw there are few in Manila on happycow.net. I don’t get to go to vegan restaurants that often but I try to look for vegan options. Slowly more restaurants here are offering the option. Do you have many traditional foods that are vegan?

  9. Your blog is beautiful and delicious! It inspires me to cook yummy things!! Thank you so much for sharing and creating this place where I can come to find healthful dishes to make for my family!

  10. What a fantastic vegan blog you have! The recipes are one delicious adventure after another. I congratulate you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Keep doing what you’re doing.

  11. I just discovered your blog, and I can’t wait to look into your recipes!
    I found out this summer that I have a dairy allergy, so anything made with milk is out for me as well. It’s been an adventure adjusting my diet, that’s for sure, but I also feel like it has expanded the breadth of foods I eat! It’s so nice to see what other people in similar situations have done.
    I’m not vegan yet, although I’ve definitely been considering it (not sure I can do without eggs!). I do eat a lot of vegan meals though just because it’s a surefire way to make sure something has no dairy.
    Looking forward to expanding my diet more to include some of your recipes!


    • Hi Molly, thanks for stopping by!. I’m sorry to hear about your new found allergy, but trust me its a blessing in disguise. When it first happened to me I cried so much. I was a dairy addict but kicking it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My leaky gut was healed, I stopped having dry eyes and flu symptoms, my skin cleared up and I lost heaps of weight. Besides that I learned a lot more about health and was introduced to a new world of delicious dairy free desserts. I don’t have to feel guilty now when I eat a vegan cupcake or have some dairy free chocolate because its a treat now and not a temptation every day of my life.
      Initially I didn’t go vegan, I stopped eating eggs when I found out my partner had an intolerance to them. But I don’t really miss them because eggs never really made me feel good. I always ended up feeling so bloated after. When I do eat them now its very rarely. Most things can be substituted at home. It takes time though to change and don’t expect to go cold turkey or if you do don’t kick yourself and give up because you slip. Every day is a new day and a new healthy meal thats going to make you feel good is awaiting you!

  12. Hi! I happened to stumble upon your blog today and just had to say I love it! Your photos are great, and the recipes are really wonderful. I like that you’re open about transitioning to a vegan lifestyle – I feel the same way. I’ve been vegan for about a year and a half but every now and then I just can’t help but have a piece of salmon sushi. Anyway, it’s always great to find fellow bloggers with similar interests, so I look forward to following your journey!

    • Hi Girl, I’m so happy you stop by! I know people expect when you go vegan that you either are or aren’t but things just aren’t that simple. Even now I still struggle keeping fish out of my diet or feel the need to take a bite of whatever Marco’s eating. But at least I manage to keep animal products out of my life most of the time and I feel so much better for it. I don’t let myself feel guilty for the small stuff because that makes you feel worse and will make the cravings stronger. I find the more I push myself to eat a vegan plant based diet the less I want the other stuff I grew up on. It just doesn’t taste as good as plants anymore.
      It is nice to meet someone in the same boat is me 🙂

  13. You should drop in and visit Kiah Organic & Wholefoods Warehouse at Mt Gravatt East, we have a great range of Certified Organic products, including organic fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts and seeds, and personal care products . We also have products which are not organic that can cater to preferences including biodynamic, sustainable, locally-made, fair-trade, raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free. We have a huge selection of bulk produce including nuts, pasta, flour, herbs and spices, tea, dried fruit and confectionery. Our onsite cafe have raw, vegan, vegetarian and healthy snacks and organic coffee and juices, smoothies and acai bowls.

    • Thanks so much Lane! I won’t be doing anymore recipes on this blog, but I will continue to share my favrouite recipes from this blog and more on my new blog. Thanks for stopping by both of them! It’s always to meet someone new 🙂

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